President's Message
By Ginger Ryder, CMPE, CHBME, CPC
As I write this message, winter is still waging a war that is trying to most of us. Snow, ice, sleet, driving rain, and windstorms threaten to disrupt our businesses, our homes, and our lives. It reminds me a bit of how healthcare revenue cycle management has been over the last several years.
News from Around the HBMA
Are You Maximizing Your HBMA Membership?; New HBMA Members; CHBME Quiz; HBMA 2018 Compliance Symposium Schedule; HBMA 2018 Healthcare Revenue Cycle Conference
Feature Story
Providers entering this emerging field should be vigilant of new policies, regulations, and other changes.
Feature Story
By Douglas M. Wolfberg, Esq.
It is imperative that billers fully understand the nuances of ambulance reimbursement to be able to successfully sidestep the many landmines of ambulance service billing. This article lays out five of the most important issues.
Feature Story
By Contributed by the American Medical Association
It is important that practices and their technology systems be prepared to accept Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers in April 2018 to ensure all claims are processed promptly and without issue.
Feature Story
How can a business associate be sure they are meeting their compliance requirements? In the event of an incident, how will the business associate respond?
Feature Story
Medical billing companies must maintain the highest levels of data security, but many fall short because they are unaware of the risk they could be the target of an attack. Compliance isn’t voluntary, so here’s why data security should be a top priority this year.
Feature Story
There are a few best practices to protect yourself and your billing services against hacking attacks. Here’s how you can make sure you’re operating with a complete tackle box.
Feature Story
By Dan Mingle and Gay De Hart
This article contains an explanation of the five MIPS exemptions CMS recognizes and a list of frequently asked questions about the transition.
Coding Corner
By Jackie Miller, RHIA, CCS-P, CPC
As usual, there were numerous additions, deletions, and revisions in the 2018 alphanumeric HCPCS file. This column discusses a few of the changes, but there are many more.
Software Talk
By Nate Moore, CPA, MBA, FACMPE
Welcome back to the RCM Advisor series covering basic Excel functions to save you time and frustration when working with spreadsheets. The January/February 2012 issue of Billing introduced the IF function. The basic syntax of an IF function is =IF (condition, value if condition is true, value if condition is false).
From the Road
If you Google the word success, you’ll come up with 51,300,000 hits. Dictionary.com defines success as “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of goals.”an additional four.