President's Message
Wow! What a positive year of change this has been for HBMA! In the latter half of 2021 the HBMA board decided to find a different association management team partner.
Around the HBMA
By Madelon Berger, MPH, MA, CCS-P, CPC
Welcome to our new and improved edition of RCM Advisor! I am thrilled to return to HBMA’s journal as editor. We are here to bring you the most up to date information on different facets of the RCM industry.
Around the HBMA
By Curt Cvikota, Chair, Data Science Committee
Do you ever find yourself asking, “I know I’m doing a good job for my clients, but how good is really good?” Perhaps you wish HBMA would develop educational content around an area that is of particular interest or near and dear to your heart. Well, have no fear, the Data Science Committee is here!
TOPIC: What have been your challenges with the transition of staff working from an office to home or hybrid setting and how have you addressed them?
TOPIC: What have been your challenges with the transition of staff from an office to a home or hybrid setting and how have you addressed them? Click for more
HBMA 2022 Revenue Cycle Conference
Photos and memories from the HBMA 2022 Revenue Cycle Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.
Around the HBMA
In today’s remote climate, marketing and community engagement on social media is more vital than ever. As an association built upon the mission of providing education, advocacy, and collaboration for healthcare billing professionals and providers within the RCM industry, our efforts on social media are essential to our members and prospective members alike.
Are You Being Pro-Active to Ward Off These Potential Attacks?
Not all healthcare businesses are taking cybersecurity seriously. For those responsible for budgeting decisions, duties to clients and patients, and ensuring the long-term viability of a business, protecting your internet-connected and networked software and data is as necessary as finding customers and generating revenue.
Advances in Automation During Unprecedented Times.
By Kristine Burnaska, Ph.D.
While the coronavirus (COVID-19) surged through the U.S. during 2020 straining health systems, health plans and providers worked together to conduct administrative functions related to millions of business transactions, many from home offices...
28% Unhappy with Current Health Care Job
By : Reprinted from the American Medical Association
With the COVID-19 pandemic came an extraordinary amount of stress for physicians and other health professionals. The 2022 National Burnout Benchmarking report from the AMA offers data on burnout, stress, and job satisfaction from January 2020 to December 2021...
The Current Status of Medical Debt on Providers and Patients
In December 2020, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which funded the federal government for the 2021 fiscal year. Tucked into that bill was legislative language that Congress had been negotiating for two years to protect consumers from unexpected out-of-network (OON) medical bills called the No Surprises Act (NSA).
By : Reprinted from the American Medical Association
Care delays associated with PA; Abandoned treatment associated with PA; PA and patient harm; and more.
Access Your Files Easily
The past few years have presented challenges that very few, if any, have ever had to contend with in their lifetimes. At times it feels like the world we live in has been turned upside down...
Press Release
By : Reprinted from the American Medical Association
The American Medical Association (AMA) today announced an update to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®), the nation’s leading medical terminology code set for describing health care procedures and services, that includes a new laboratory test code for the orthopoxvirus and two codes for the vaccines being utilized to prevent monkeypox infection...
Compliance Issues
When the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic, the impact and way things needed to get done were unknown. Mandatory stay-at-home orders were issued, and companies were required to take extreme measures to prevent the spread and severity of COVID-19...
Coding Corner
By Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, COC
Changes are in the air for both ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes as well as long established Evaluation & Management (E/M) codes and it is important to ensure that clients are aware and ready for changes that will impact their organization...
From the Road
The past two years have been unlike anything we have ever experienced. Some employees have been told by their managers to work from home, others experienced a hybrid situation of two days in the office and three days at home and many whose jobs required them to be there in person have faced long, exhausting hours and infrequent days off...