Leading the Business of Healthcare

August 2020 Cigna News: Invitation to Join the Electronic Solutions Advisory Council

Based on the helpful insight and feedback about digital solutions you have provided in the past, we would like to invite you to participate in Cigna’s Electronic Solutions Advisory Council. The goal of the ESAC is to provide a forum to share actionable feedback about your experience working with our electronic resources and provide insight about how to best develop future solutions. 

Ways to participate

We collect feedback from the ESAC in a number of ways. Choose how you would like to participate and how much time you can commit. 

  • Surveys: Short surveys are sent via email and should take no more than five minutes to complete. 
  • Interviews: Interviews are held in our early planning stages to gain insight on provider workflows and processes. The feedback helps us build solutions that will work best for you. The time commitment is about 30-45 minutes. 
  • Usability testing: We will share a design prototype and ask questions about navigation. You may also have an opportunity to test the prototype. A usability testing session usually takes 30 minutes. 
  • Beta testing: Beta testers are among the first to test new tools. The feedback that beta testers provide is vital to ensuring the solution is ready for full rollout. They help identify bugs or other issues that may need to be adjusted or changed. Time commitment may vary.

What you need to do

If you, or others in your organization, are interested in participating, please complete the ESAC Contact Form spreadsheet and send by email to Provider Digital Solutions. The information you provide will help us know how to reach you, the maximum number of times you want us to outreach to you, what type of digital solutions would most apply to your role and day-to-day work, and how you would like to participate. 

We welcome your participation in the ESAC and look forward to hearing from you.
Please send an email to Provider Digital Solutions

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