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SOUND OFF! TOPIC: Tell Us How You Are Competing with Companies Charging Very Low Fees For Similar Services i have found that the companies charging very low fees (such as 2–4%), are not providing the same services (or same level of service). You simply have to market yourself better and explain that to providers; it is called differentiation. What makes your company different? What are your strengths? most potential clients will understand this, if you present it well. if they don’t, you don’t want their business. – Greg Wehrman, Wehrman Healthcare Management Solutions LLC lose graciously and wait for them to call us back after they see the difference in service and value. Quality results, lower number of reports reviewed by each pathologist daily, quicker turn-around, electronic capabilities, and work done in the usa. We are competing by continuing to do good work with integrity and by cultivating relationships with our current and perspective clients. – Elizabeth Menduke, CHBME, Primary Billing Service, Inc. there is a fallacy in your statement; low price companies are not, and do not, provide similar service! in any case, here is how we address it: technology allows competitiveness, then we illustrate actual performance showing how quality improves collections and more than offsets price differences. You do get what you pay for! – Kelly J. Bradley, CPA, SVA our health system-owned mbc is developing alternative billing and collection models to help reduce rates. billing service price reduction is a higher priority than ever before. Price is, without a doubt, the single easiest thing for the competition to duplicate. the toughest things are extraordinary quality, service, etc. ... loosely quoted from The Best Damn Sales Book Ever, Warren greshes. – Mick Polo, NCDS Medical Billing We really do not try to compete with companies that charge very low fees. We have found that they typically do not provide the depth or quality of service that my company provides. many times, a provider will come back to us at a later date and want to come on board based on their experience with these other firms. – Emily M. Osetek, CHBME, President, Sourcenet Medical Billing Associates, LLC We don't have a problem with competitors charging lower prices; we have a problem with them baiting them with low prices, and then switching them to a higher price scenario. When someone says, “i talked to XYZ company and they charge x% less than you do; why do you charge so much?” i try to put a smile in my voice, stay non-defensive, and explain as best as i can that the quality of service i deliver costs money. i verbalize a recognition to them that everyone has their own needs and that my service might not be a good match for them. only they can determine the best mix of price and service. i list my services and what they get, do not badmouth the other company, and hope for the best. sometimes they sign up, and sometimes not. if they don’t, i recognize that it’s for the best, because i don’t want clients who resent my fees. i want clients who are delighted with the service and willing to pay the fees because they know they are being well taken care of. You never know – sometimes if you make a good impression and stay professional, they will remember 6 hbma billing • november.december.2013

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