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REDUCE HASSLES WITH AMA’S ADMINISTRATIVE SIMPLIFICATION WEBSITE Published with permission of the American Medical Association (AMA) If you are tired of calling to check the status of claims, searching payor websites for information, or figuring out why claims were denied, AMA’s new administrative simplification website, available at, is the right tool for you. There, you will find free resources that can help you streamline your claims processes. You and your physician practice clients can cut out burdensome administrative processes by using the site’s collection of resources and tools to help you: • replace administrative paperwork with electronic transactions; • receive patient payments at time of service; • access direct links to key information for many major payors; • minimize denials by learning the reasons payors report for denying claims; • select a practice management system that meets your needs; and • gain insights from other tips. Two toolkits featured on the new website help you take advantage of new federal standards requiring health insurers to standardize electronic funds transfers (eFTs) and electronic remittance advice (eRa). effective january 1, 2014, the rules now make it possible for you and your clients to automate the time-consuming process of manually matching payments from insurers with claims that have been submitted. The ama toolkits for eFT and eRa include informative sections on getting started with electronic transactions, key questions to ask vendors, guidance on information technology solutions, and an outline of the rules and standards for electronic transactions. Visit and 26 HBma BIllIng • maRCH.aPRIl.2014 to access these toolkits. Through the ama administrative simplification linkedIn group, physicians, billing partners, and others can discuss the latest issues in automating physician practices and share advice for making the claims revenue cycle run smoothly. group members can pose questions, comment on discussions, and learn from the experiences of their peers around the country. Topics include: • best practices in administrative simplification; • step-by-step tips on incorporating eRa, eFT, and other electronic transactions into the claims process; and • solutions to real-life challenges in practice automation. Visit to join the linkedIn group. The group, which launched earlier this year, is open to physicians, practice staff, billing partners, consultants, and others. If you are not one of the 200 million people already on linkedIn, you can create a free account at to get started.

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