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It’s Time for a Change… &KDQJHWKHZD\\RXGREXVLQHVV 7LPHWRUXQ\RXUEXVLQHVVE\WKHQXPEHUV Omega’s biggest differentiator is not its size at !"#$4,000 RCM employees, but %&"$fact that we have a wholesale business model and do not work directly with physician groups or hospitals. This gives our customers the comfort that we '()) never compete with them for their clients. We rely on our client #"*"#"+,"-$* #$ our growth, so stop by !"#Booth .%$%&"$+"/%$0 +*"#"+,"$ #$,.))$1-$% %.)2$% $.$$ *"'$ *$%&"3. We’ll put you in touch! | 412-580-8714

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