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Billing_JanFeb14 go first. Does Your A/R Feel Like a Black Hole? You Need an A/R Management Partner. Your healthcare business is evolving. Facing a myriad of regulatory and technology changes, your revenue is being squeezed while your costs are increasing. There is no more wiggle room. You have very little margin for error. Managing Accounts Receivable with precision is vitally important in the emerging healthcare business environment, and it’s going get even more challenging with the transition to ICD-10 coding. Now is precisely the time to talk to an A/R Management expert. !"#$%%&'"($")*!"!+,-*.+"!+$")-/01$23!4"(3!+"$20$,!35$'"$20$,3$6)$'"768"$2)$11$6)$9":$"-;$," a sophisticated approach to modern A/R management. Now is the time for GeBBS. ® GeBBS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS D Accounts Receivable

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